Beautiful books

We can deliver all sorts of books for all kinds of budgets – from inexpensive desk jotters and fast turnaround branded Moleskin style books.  But today, I would like to talk about really beautiful books.  These are not particularly inexpensive and they are not particularly quick to make, but boy are they beautiful.

If the project allows, then we can make something really special for you.  These personalised notebooks are made completely to your specifications.  We can make your books with different cover materials – shiny, matt, soft feel, leathers, you name it, we can do it.  We can make your books with coloured edges, debossings, spot varnishes or parts of the covers cut out.  The pages can be lined, squared, graphed or completely unique.  Basically, whatever you need, we can make it, I could go on and on.

So, find some extra budget, buy a little more time and lets make something really special.  Go on!